Saturday, May 31, 2008


After 2 days of lecture, 4 hours of outlining, 3 question sets, and a review of my notes----I just scored a 27% on a Con Law question set.


Friday, May 30, 2008

Test 1

I just did the first set of practice questions for Con Law--and got an 10 out of eighteen. Thats a little disappointing after four hours of outlining and 3 and a half hours of lecture on this stuff today.

Off to the gym in a bit.


The first week

Bar Bri is proving just as much fun as advertised. We started with Con Law. Although yesterday was so terribly boring that I wanted to poke my eyes out, today didn't seem as bad. Maybe its because we got to hear Chemerinsky use the words "fuck" and "sex" in the same lecture. :)

After the lecture I spent aound 4 hours at the pool outlining the 2 day lecture notes. I actually got kinda burnt--and there were quite a few people there. I actually think I am more productive at the pool than I would be here because I don't have the distractions of the tv and the internet. Plus, I know there will be people sneezing and sighing and sniffling and shuffling papers during the exam and I might as well get used to ignoring the distractions now. The plan for the weekend is to spend lots of time studying at the pool (although its supposed to thunderstrom tomorrow) and lots of studying.


Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Weekend

This is my last weekend before Bar Bri starts. As I've mentioned, I took PMBR and while it sucked, it was only a week and anyone can get through a week. Now its two months of torture and worry and just no fun. The only bright side is that I plan to study for Bar Bri during the day by the pool so at least by the end of the summer I should have a decent tan. I didn't do too much this weekend--although I do have a graduation party to go to tomorrow. For a 33 year old man.

Happy Memorial Day! :)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What a weekend!

So I am officially now a law school graduate. Its funny--seems like this was a looong time coming--and yet it went so fast. It seems like yesterday sometimes that I was going to the admitted student luncheon. But--on the other hand--when I think about all the reading and exams it seems like the long hard work that it was.

The ceremony was actually nice--not too long and I actually felt a little emotional towards the end when I realized that I had actually done it and was beginning the next stage of my life.

Speaking of the next stage of my life--I am now engaged!! B gave me the ring on Friday and it is gorgeous!! I love it. I'm so excited.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Day 5

Only one more day of PMBR!! Today was crim/crim pro. It was actually a lot better than yesterday's property nightmare. It actually went kind of fast today. Unfortunately it was FREEZING in the classroom so even in jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt I was really cold. Unfortunately this means I will probably have to wear pants and long sleeves to Bar-Bri all summer--so much for my cute summer clothes!

Hopefully this weather turns around soon. I'm itching for my apartment complex to open the pool so I can spend my days studying for the bar by the pool. If I'm going to be in hell for two months might as well get a nice tan while I'm there right?! :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Day 3

Well today we are officially halfway finished with PMBR--the 6 day course anyway. Does it suck? Yeah. But its not as bad as I was expecting. I initally though we would have to be there from 9-3:30 as the schedule indicated, but we are allowed to take the practice tests at home and just have to show up for the 3.5 hour lecture (on tape).

I've heard a lot of people saying they should just get the tapes and watch them on thier own, but sadly, I'm not motivated enough to do it all on my own. I need the structure of going to school and watching the videos in rooms I am used to being in for class.

Tonight is a good TV night. American Idol (which I watch occasionally), Hell's Kitchen (which I almost never miss an episode), and the Law and Order SVU season finale!

4 days til graduation and my family arrives!! and 3 days til my boy gets here! :)

Monday, May 12, 2008


Today was day 2 of PMBR. Yesterday was Con Law--the class that was one of my least favorite in all of law school. In fact, it was one of the 2 C's I got in law school. Almost killed me. I remember vividly driving the 3 hours home from a work retreat sobbing and talking to my Dad. Today was Torts--although I thought it was Contracts and so prepared for the wrong subject. Overall I think the program will be helpful, but we are just watching the videos (we don't have a live instructor) and they speak REALLY fast and cover tons of info. Its scary to think how much we have to memorize by the end of July. :)


I am a law student--well I guess former law student now--soon to be graduating. I am in the beginning stages of stdying for the bar--a form of hell all in itself. I have an amazing family comprised of my dadd, brother, and boyfriend. I have a job lined up for after the bar--just need to pass the thing! I'm getting engaged soon and married next year. I can't wait for this next chapter of my life to begin! :)